What does your sleep position say about you


recently found out that the way you sleep is a means of analysing how you act when you are awake. According to Nectar Sleep's lifestyle and wellness expert, Erin Berman, the way you choose to fall asleep is a key indicator of your personality. There are six different sleeping positions that can tell your temperament: shy or a risk-taker, fun and playful or quiet and controlled, so which one best describes you or your partner? Find out for yourself below…

The Baby

Also referred to as the foetal position, this is where the person sleeps on their side with their legs curled up underneath them.

The Baby is the most popular way to sleep with around 41%1of adults opting for this sleep position – particularly good for your circulation if you’re pregnant. You have a tough exterior, which can hide a shy and sensitive nature on the inside. The baby position causes the least amount of sleep interruptions and reduces the risk of neck strain if your mattress is quite firm.

The Baby sleeping position
The Sleepy Soldier

A person that sleeps in this position lays on their back with their arms straight down at their side – like they’re standing to attention.

This position indicates that you’re strong, often silent and very focused. You love structure and take yourself seriously and have high expectations. The sleepy soldier allows the neck to rest in a neutral position, and decreases the chance for premature wrinkles. It enables your weight to be evenly distributed, relieving pressure on the shoulders and spine.

The Log Roller

The sleeper rests on their side with their legs extended straight and has their arms in place.

This is the second post popular sleeping position and if you favour this then you typically tend to be social and easy-going. Log rollers are very trusting folk too, which can make you seem a little more gullible to outsiders. On the whole, you are a social butterfly with a vibrant personality. With your arms neatly at your side – in line with your body – the log roller can be great for easing back and neck pain as you keep both in proper alignment.

The Skydiver

Sleeping on their stomach, with their head to one side, they have their arms wrapped around behind a pillow.

Those who opt for the skydiver are open, playful and fun people. You’re direct and this can sometimes come across as brash. You have a free-spirited exterior, although you can often feel anxious. While you’re a risk taker, you tend to crave control. A King or a Double sized mattress would suit this sleeper as you require space to spread out. While it can accentuate back or neck pain, it can ease snoring and sleep apnoea.

The Yearning Dreamer

The sleeper rests on their side, but their arms are stretched out in front of them.

Sleeping simply with your arms outstretched, the dreamers who sleep like this are characteristically inviting and open yet cautious when it comes to decision-making. However, once your mind is made up, you’re most likely to be set on that path. While you’re weary of new acquaintances, you are a reliable. Like the log roller, this position comfortably supports your back as it follows the natural curve of the spine.

The Shooting Star

They lie on their back with legs stretched out. Their arms are elongated up beyond their head, resembling a starfish.

While this is the least popular sleep position, those who choose the shooting star make loyal friends. You consider your relationships with others as a priority and you love to be supportive. You often go out of your way to help too. While this position can increase snoring, if you have the support of a great mattress – preferably a larger one to accommodate those outstretched limbs – you should find yourself sleeping sound and waking up as bright as a star.

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